The linked page is a simulator of typical voting tabulation with charts that show the effects of a hack on the election. Once a voting distribution is created, the sliders that control the hack simulation will update the charts in real-time (for a reasonable number of modeled tabulators, e.g. less than 1,000, depending on your computer speed).
The goal is to help people quickly visualize the effect of such election interference for a deeper understanding of how such interference can be detected.
The default parameters simulate 800 tabulators and should provide real-time updates of the charts for a decent PC (mine can do ok with 1,000, and slowly update with 10,000). Reduce the number of tabulators if needed. It is recommended to just copy the file for local use.
The ballots are normally distributed (bell curve) in both the number of ballots processed per tabulator and by the partisan composition of votes.
The top left chart is a reference for the initial unaltered vote. The top right is the "Russian tail" viewer that shows the effect of the alteration. Bottom left is the common "parallel lines" chart that highlights drop-off votes. Bottom right is the scatter dot plot of tabulator distribution, which can show slant skewing of the normal distribution or discontinuities.
Using the simple thresholded switch-vote model, the default slider positions create a single Russian tail on the "left" side of the altered winner (and therefore right side of the intended loser).
This version is similar to v1.0. Use the "Hack Threshold" and "Votes Switched" sliders to observe how the charts are affected in real-time. You can also adjust the number of tabulators as well as the mean & standard deviation of the normal distributions of both the partisan behavior and votes processed per tabulator. Once new values are entered, press the "Generate New Voting Distribution" button to start with a different distribution.
Please feel free to pass on, improve, and use this file as needed. It's provided "as is," of course. The only dependency is Chart.js, which has a very permissive MIT license. With a copy of the chart.js file and pointing the script tag that includes it, this simulator can be run locally.
I plan to post more updates even though the 20th is almost here.
If you stumbled upon this page, here are some relevant links:
An eleven minute video by Nathan, cybersecurity expert and leader of Election Truth Alliance, analyzing 2024 election data irregularities.